A folk healer with a medical background is saving even those with the last stage cancer

People from all over the world, including Germany, the UK, former Soviet Union countries, and even the USA, seek his help. Because he manages to revive those who are deemed hopeless and sent home to die by conventional medicine. Mykola Klymchuk from Korots, not only created his own treatment regimen for fatal diseases but also developed an “anti-cancer” diet!

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He himself survived cancer

Mykola Dmytrovych graduated from Kharkiv Medical Institute. In Korots, he worked as a laboratory doctor at the sanitary station. Who knows if the man would have embarked on the development of some unique methods if misfortune hadn’t struck. Because, at the age of forty, he was diagnosed with cancer.

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“It started hurting so much on the left side that I couldn’t walk. I had to forget about work. My son was small, four years old, he helped me put on pants because I couldn’t bend down. I went out of the house holding onto the walls,” recalls the man.

After examination, doctors immediately confirmed a tumor in the intestines, which encircled one of the bowels. It sounded like a death sentence. Mykola Dmytrovych turned to district doctors, then to the capital’s doctors, and everyone confirmed: the disease is progressing, and there is almost no hope for salvation.

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“I didn’t know what to do. The weakness was so severe that I could barely get out of bed. And then a fungus started itching on the soles of my feet and in the rectum. I remembered how we were taught in the institute that the fungus is treated with tab. Trichopolum. The basis of these drugs is wormwood. Well, I started taking them. After a few days, I felt like I was reborn. I thought they had just proven to me in Kyiv at the institute that it was already the finish, everything. And here, Trichopolum makes it easier. So I started taking it further. In about a month, my body more or less returned to normal, and I could do everything myself.”

It has been 30 years since then. Mykola Dmytrovych admits that since overcoming cancer, he has not undergone any medical examinations. He continues to take medicine whenever something hurts on the side, his stomach bothers him, or an inexplicable cough appears. Because he is convinced that cancer is of fungal origin.

Blood should be “acidic”

But even after his incredible recovery, the man did not undertake the development of treatment methods for others. In general, he admits that for a long eight years, he completely forgot about what happened to him. Until his neighbor was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer.

“When I saw how Grandpa Semen goes past my house – barely covers a hundred meters in half an hour, I called him. I said, take Trichopolum, I cured myself with it. And I gave the grandfather about thirty tablets that I had left. It was in September. Then I got busy and forgot to ask the neighbor how he was. I knew that the doctors gave him no more than two months to live. Until winter, I asked my wife if they buried Grandpa Semen. And she said, ‘What are you talking about! Alive and well, I passed by his house – he chops wood in the cold himself.’ I was relieved. After that, the neighbor lived for another 3.5 years.”

Soon another man turned to Klymchuk for help. He had colon cancer, had already undergone several surgeries, and a tube was brought out… Also, a terminally ill patient. But he began to be treated according to the method of the healer from Korots – and lived for another four years.

“At that time, I became more interested in what the fungus is afraid of. Acidic environment. So, you need to ‘acidify’ the body,” says Mykola Dmytrovych. “There should be a maximum of acidic foods in the diet – various pickles, lemons, borscht. You should eat garlic every day, which is an excellent immunomodulator (promotes strengthening of the body), drink holy water because it is never affected by mold. And most importantly – no sweets. Because it’s food for the fungus. If you follow such a diet, the blood will become acidic, the fungus will feed on it, and it will die. But it’s important: during treatment, no ‘relaxations’ in food. Because if you eat acidic for two days and then skip a piece of candy or a spoonful of honey – everything goes down the drain. Because the fungus will start to get used to the acidic, and you won’t kill it anymore.”

Sunbaths – and no heavy physical work!

An essential part of the cancer treatment method “according to Klymchuk” is vinegar rubs or baths (for specific cancer localizations). This is an additional method of “acidifying” the blood. They also help with other ailments such as hypertension, heel spurs, fungal infections of the feet, chronic ulcers, and even diabetes! For example, in the case of nail fungus, the healer advises soaking the feet in “pure” 9 percent vinegar! For those afraid of irritating the skin, it can be diluted with water. However, the effect is noticeable after 10-15 days of treatment. Simultaneously, it is recommended to take metronidazole, an analogue of Trichopolum. The man recalls a case when a young woman from Rivne with a trophic ulcer the size of a five-kopeck coin came to him in desperation. He advised her to make vinegar compresses and sprinkle the wound with powder from pills. Within three weeks, everything healed!

Over ten years have passed since Mykola Dmytrovych started treating cancer as a fungus, and an article by the honorary Russian academician Natalia Glazkova caught his eye. She authoritatively stated that cancer is an immunodeficient state, where the body’s resistance is practically zero, so it is crucial to use immunomodulators in combination with Trichopolum and antibiotics. She emphasized never to treat cancer with radiation and chemotherapy, as it causes cancer metastasis – colonies of trichomonads grow. Another Russian scientist, chemist Tamara Svischeva, held a similar opinion.

“I had tested this on myself a long time ago,” says the healer, showing stacks of clippings from medical newspapers and magazines that confirm his “fungal” theory. “And I continued to analyze how, by fighting this disaster, I could help the patient. Natural immunomodulators are garlic and bee pollen. For example, cranberries, soaked in water, last a year without spoiling. So, it should also be consumed; it will fight the fungus. In the forest, moss does not grow on the illuminated part of the trunk – patients also need to receive sunlight exposure.”

Traditional medicine advises cancer patients to forget about the sun altogether – to hide the body from it. Therefore, there are many critics of Klymchuk among oncologists. But the results speak for themselves: along with the clippings, the healer keeps letters from grateful patients. They come from different corners of the world. For example, a woman from Ireland thanks him for saving her husband, who had stage IV brain cancer. When he came for another examination, doctors were shocked because the patient should have died a long time ago.

The method is straightforward but exhaustive

While we talk, the man’s phone doesn’t stop ringing. Some ask to send the treatment scheme, while others express gratitude for salvation.

“How many patients have you managed to cure with your method?” I ask the healer.

“Hundreds. Although I don’t keep precise records. Let them count up there, in heaven,” he replies, looking up.

We ask him to share the treatment scheme for our readers. The healer agrees, but unfortunately, we cannot print all the details. So, we provide the main points.

Food. The diet should include meat, sorrel borscht, cabbage soup, pickle soup, borscht with red beets and vinegar, beans. Every 20-30 minutes, eat a piece the size of a teaspoon of lemon (without the peel), pickled cucumber, tomato, or apple, a spoonful of pickled cabbage, or take a sip of brine made from these products – for prevention, he recommends this for healthy people as well. The daily menu should include a head of garlic, raw fat, unrefined oil, raw eggs, and holy water. Do not eat sweets, including honey, fried and smoked food, raw fruits, berries, and vegetables, pasta, and boiled sausages for six months. Exclude onion cheese from the menu.

Tablets Metronidazole – according to the scheme, depending on the patient’s weight and the localization of the ailment.

Additional procedures. Vinegar rubs and baths, as well as sunlight exposure for 3-15 minutes every hour and a half.

Physical activity. Completely exclude it. The heaviest thing a person should lift is a loaf of bread, the healer emphasizes. Heavy labor undermines treatment because lactic acid is released in the body.

“You have to fight the disease at night (when fungi grow), and rest during the day. And the result will come,” Mykola Klymchuk convinces. “Although I am not all-powerful, and I cannot put everyone who comes to me on their feet.”

Every person chooses their path to recovery. Korets doctor Mykola Klymchuk does not offer a panacea for cancer – he provides instructions that can be used to have a chance at life. Whether to do it or not is the patient’s decision.

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