Restoring Hearing with Folk Remedies

Restoring hearing is possible not only with the help of medication but also with folk remedies. To begin with, an accurate diagnosis is necessary. Sometimes we miss what is said due to inattention or carelessness. However, if you have stopped hearing sounds of a certain frequency, such as ringing phones, it is a reason to consult a specialist.

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In the initial stages of hearing loss, folk remedies can help, which can be used in conjunction with prescribed medications.

• Hearing can be restored by using propolis tincture mixed with castor oil. To prepare this remedy, take half a glass of vodka, add about forty grams of propolis, and place it in a dark place for ten days to infuse. Shake the infusion during this period. After ten days, strain it and mix with oil (two glasses), then insert soaked cotton swabs into the ears for twelve hours. Change the swabs every twelve hours. The treatment course is fourteen days.

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• Raw onion is also effective for restoring hearing. Cut out a little bit of the onion center and fill it with cumin seeds (1 teaspoon). Then bake the onion in the oven until browned and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Instill 10 drops of this fluid into the ear 4 times a day to remove earwax plugs and improve hearing. Softening of wax and dirt will occur immediately after starting the treatment. Do not discontinue the treatment. Repeat the procedure daily for thirty calendar days. Store the remedy in the refrigerator, but warm it to a comfortable temperature before instilling.

• A mixture of a quarter of an unpeeled finely chopped lemon and a teaspoon of honey is a genuine source of vitamins for hearing restoration. Consume this remedy daily until your hearing improves.

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• Traditional medicine also mentions several ancient recipes that improve hearing. For example, it is recommended to drink a third of a glass of cow’s milk mixed with a third of a teaspoon of purified birch tar three times a day for forty-five days.

• Warm compresses applied to the ear with a moderately hot stone can help with hearing loss.

• Another method, known since Ancient Greece, involves using two copper coins applied to the protruding bone behind the ear and in front of the ear on the cheek side.

• Often, hearing loss is accompanied by ringing in the ears. In this case, grated horseradish wrapped in cloth and applied to the back of the head is advised by traditional medicine.

• Another folk recipe contributes to hearing improvement in just two weeks. Take five or six viburnum berries, squeeze out the juice, mix it with the same amount of honey, and thread each cotton ball onto a string. Before bed, moisten these balls with the juice and insert them into the ears. Remove them by the strings in the morning.

• Watermelon juice also helps with earwax softening. Instill three drops of watermelon juice into each ear three times a day.

• Hearing can also be restored by using powdered bay leaves. Brew two tablespoons of this powder with a glass of boiling water and let it infuse for two hours. After straining, instill four drops into both ears twice a day. Continue the treatment for two weeks.

We hope that these folk medicine recipes will help you get rid of hearing problems.

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