Kidney Cleansing – Proven and Effective Folk Remedies

The purpose of kidney cleansing is the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis, also known as urinary stone disease or nephrolithiasis. This disease is characterized by the deposition of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. Stones can form in one or both kidneys (though more commonly in the right kidney than the left), and they can be singular or accumulate in large quantities. Stones vary in size and shape, and they also differ in chemical composition: oxalate, urate, phosphate, carbonate stones are encountered. In some cases, combined stones consisting of two or more salts are formed. Organic stones such as protein, cholesterol, and cystine stones are also not uncommon. Additionally, sulfonamide stones can form during active treatment with sulfonamide drugs.

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Kidney stone disease develops for various reasons, including metabolic disorders, disturbances in endocrine and nervous regulation, and urinary tract infections, which can lead to inflammation of the renal pelvis and obstruction of regular urination. Factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, inadequate fluid intake, and dietary errors, such as excessive consumption of fatty, salty, spicy, fried foods, contribute to the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. Therefore, individuals facing these issues should undergo kidney cleansing.

Depending on the prevailing pH of the urine, stones of a certain composition are formed: urate and oxalate stones in acidic conditions, and phosphate stones in alkaline conditions. Stone formation typically involves one of two mechanisms: bacterial metabolic products or inflammatory products becoming nuclei for stone formation, or excess excretion of specific salts, especially in conditions of stasis, leading to crystallization.

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Kidney stone disease can be asymptomatic, with stones being detected only during routine examinations. In other cases, the disease manifests with bouts of renal colic, which can be severe and prolonged. Occasionally, dull aching pains in the lumbar region occur between attacks, along with a feeling of pressure in the same area. These symptoms usually occur after excessive physical exertion.

Treatment of the disease and kidney cleansing are prescribed after a thorough examination of the patient (X-ray, contrast urography, urine analysis, etc.). It is crucial to identify and eliminate the causes of stone formation. The removal of these causes is the basis of treatment. Patients should consume plenty of fluids, up to ten glasses a day, for an extended period.

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Strict adherence to a diet is required, excluding cocoa, coffee, strong tea, and alcoholic beverages, as well as spicy, fatty, fried, and salty foods. Depending on the chemical composition of the stones, certain products are eliminated from the diet while others are introduced. For example, if urate stones are present, foods rich in purines (liver, kidneys, tomatoes, etc.) should be avoided. Consumption of vegetables and fruits, which slightly alkalinize urine, should be increased. If phosphate stones are present, the emphasis should be on acidifying the body, with a diet rich in protein (meat, fish, cheese, etc.). If the stones are large and obstruct the urinary tract, surgical treatment is indicated.

To prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract or successfully get rid of existing stones (how to get rid of pain and other discomfort), kidney cleansing should be periodically performed using one of the methods provided below…

Kidney Cleansing with Rosehip Root Decoction

Experience from traditional medicine shows that regular use of rosehip root decoction not only reduces stones in the renal calices, pelvis, and urinary tract but also in the gallbladder and hepatic ducts. Additionally, aside from its significant impact on the body, rosehip root decoction is a source of vitamins C, K, and P and is simply delicious.

Rosehip root is readily available and easy to obtain in sufficient quantities to dry or can be purchased at pharmacies. Before use, the rosehip root should be chopped. One to two tablespoons of chopped root are poured with a cup of water and boiled under a lid over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. The resulting decoction should be cooled, strained, and taken in one-third cup portions three times a day in a warm state. The duration of the course is up to two weeks, and two to three such courses can be conducted per year.

Kidney Cleansing with Green Tea

Green tea, which unfortunately isn’t very popular with us, is, however, a very valuable product. Firstly, it contains bioflavonoids, substances that prevent the development of malignant tumors in the body. Secondly, green tea is an excellent preventive measure against the formation of stones in the liver, kidneys, and urinary tract.

Drinking green tea is recommended 1 to 3 times a day, 200 ml each time, for a long period. It is brewed at a rate of one teaspoon of dry tea per cup of boiling water (infusion). The tea should be steeped for 12 to 15 minutes, strained, and consumed warm.

Kidney Cleansing with Birch Juice

For kidney cleansing (mainly as a preventive measure against stone formation), both fresh birch juice and birch sap kvass can be used. Naturally, the best season for such cleansing is spring-summer.

Birch juice should be consumed three times a day, one glass each time. Birch juice is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. It is recommended to slightly heat the juice before consumption. The duration of cleansing is 30 to 40 days.

Kidney Cleansing with Vegetable and Fruit Juices

Using alkalizing vegetable juices, one can cleanse the kidneys of uric acid and oxalate stones that form in acidic urine. Fresh juices of carrots, cucumbers, beets, as well as parsley, celery, and dill juices, are used. It is not advisable to juice vegetables and greens whose ecological cleanliness is in doubt; it’s better to use vegetables and greens grown in your own plot.

Vegetable juices can be taken separately or in mixtures.

Kidney Cleansing with Fir Oil

The preparatory period for cleansing should last 7-10 days. During this time, diuretics are taken: one of the diuretic collections, or a decoction of field horsetail, or an infusion of common horsetail flowers and leaves, watermelon juice, vegetable juices, parsley juice, cranberry juice, cranberry juice, etc.

After the preparatory period, fir oil is added. Five drops of fir oil are added to the diuretic remedy used; everything is thoroughly mixed and consumed half an hour before meals. The frequency of taking fir oil is three times a day. The duration of cleansing is 5 days. Then there is a 2-week break, and kidney cleansing with fir oil can be repeated. The effect can be noticed within a few days of starting cleansing—urine becomes cloudy.

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